Your Magic 8 Ball – The Model

I call it your Magic 8 Ball Tool.

Because the results are so, so powerful.

Are you creating the life you want? I will show you how... right here and now. We're gonna talk about the Thought Model, and how to manage your mind and take control of your life. This WILL blow your mind.

One of the best tools I have found to help manage the mind is called “The Model.”

It was created by one of my mentors, Brooke Castillo. In addition to having my MA, MFT, NET II, & RYT (I know it sounds exhausting, but hey I'm passionate), I studied and certified under Brooke's teachings because of the power and impact I saw in using this model.

I have seen countless times how "The Model," has truly changed my own life and the lives of so many of my colleagues and clients.

This is like one of the secrets to the universe, and so I would be remiss if I didn't explain it to you. You have to try it and see how it WILL change your life.

Brooke put it well, when she said, "Don't allow your mind to use you, use your mind."
When you’re feeling frustrated, dissatisfied, stuck, fearful, confused, etc., or just too darn busy... explore your situation by doing a Thought Model.

There are five components: Circumstance, Thoughts, Feelings, Actions, and Results.

It cascades -

  1. Circumstances are neutral.  
  2. Your thoughts about the circumstance are what make you feel what you’re feeling.
  3. Your feelings drive your actions.
  4. Your actions create your results.


Always neutral (even if it doesn't feel neutral).  No adjectives or feelings go in this line. It is factual and can be proven in a court of law.


Your thought about the circumstance – Just pick one


The feeling (pick one) that thinking that thought creates for you


All the actions you take when you feel that feeling


The results you get when you take those actions.

Your thoughts create your experience.
The power of this model comes in being more aware of our thinking and where we’re letting it lead us. Once we have awareness, we have choice. But first you have to connect to what’s going on in your brain.

Get to know how helpful this model is by filling out a few of your own.

This is at the center of so much of the coaching I do and I want to empower you to use this tool, so that you can use it anytime you want.
Pick something that’s bugging you and give the Thought Model a try. See what you begin to note about how your thinking is driving your actions, not the circumstance.
To help get you started, here’s an example from one of my client sessions this week...

Unintentional Thought Model:


Office rent increased by $500


I may not be able to afford the extra costs and my business will go under




Circular thinking (worry), not sleeping, not out drumming up business as usual, frequent naps


May not be able to afford the extra rent

Intentional Thought Model:


Office rent increased by $500


I am a good business woman and I love my business, I got this!


Confident & determined


Practice this thought daily, interview other practitioners to rent space from me, ensure that I take the steps to make $500 more each month and more, brainstorm all the ways that I can do this, and keep moving ahead with my plans


The business thrives, even with $500 increase in rent

Can you see how your mind is the most powerful tool in the world? 

Most of us allow our minds to drive us. We become passengers on the turbulent ride of our minds. Our minds are running the show. But with "The MODEL," you become the driver of your mind.

If you feel like a passenger on the turbulent ride of your mind, you are in good company, and you've gotta try this technique.
Stay tuned for the next post when we talk more about "The Model." In the meantime, here's a handy graphic you can use when working through The Model.

the model - thoughts

Remember Circumstances are always neutral (even if it doesn't feel neutral).  No adjectives or feelings go on the circumstances line.